Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Good News for the Brown Pelicans

I am lucky enough to see these birds on a regular basis. I was able to sneak up close enough (thanks to zoom lens) to snap this photo of them on the beach a few weeks ago. Even if your not a "bird lover", brown pelicans are fascinating to watch. They skim the top of the waves and just glide in the air and then dive straight down into the water. The federal government wants to take the brown pelican off the endangered species list. The full article can be found at the DailyPress.com.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fort Fisher Fun Today

If you ever get the chance to visit our lovely area- you may find the Fort Fisher Hermit Bunker of interest! Robert E. Harrill lived in an old world war 2 bunker for 17 years before his mysterious death in 1972. The bunker is about a mile walk from the Ranger station parking area. If you can't make it down here- check out the documentary "The Fort Fisher Hermit" The Life and Death of Robert E. Harrill. at www.thefortfisherhermit.com.