It's that time of year where everyone in North Carolina can get down and dirty. Volunteers from all over the state will be cleaning up trash from our waterways during the NC Big Sweep over the next few weekends. Clean ups are scheduled by County and New Hanover County's will be held this coming weekend September 27th, 2008. Brunswick and Pender County will be on October 4th, 2008. Go to www.ncbigsweep.org for all other counties.
Last year New Hanover County volunteers collected 581 bags of trash estimated at 11,620 pounds! If you live in New Hanover County and want to participate you have several location options:
Greenfield Lake- Meet at the Boat House at 9:00am
Wrightsville Beach- Meet at Johnnie Mercers Fishing Pier 9:00am
Carolina Beach- Meet at the Boardwalk Gazebo at 9:00am
Kure Beach- Meet at the Kure Beach Fishing Pier at 9:00am
You will be provided with gloves, trash bags and refreshments. You might win a prize or find a real treasure like the star fish (pictured above) or sea glass. It only takes and hour or two, you can meet fun people and enjoy the great outdoors. We'll see you there!